Accelerate Your E-Commerce Growth in under 45 Days.
Convert high-value, repeat customers without overspending.

We analyze what drives your best customers and help craft the perfect language and positioning to turn them into repeat buyers - efficiently and affordably.

High value customer profile overview
Customer Insights Experts trusted by direct-to-consumer Shopify brands and agencies
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The Problem

Over 90% of e-commerce brands struggle to find a repeatable process for acquiring high-value, repeat customers.

You invest heavily in ads, email campaigns, and influencer partnerships, yet 80% of your customers only purchase once.


Because something's missing.

You're not sure which audience is most profitable and why

You're not sure what to say to get high-value, repeat customers.

You're not why some customers keep buying when others don't

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The professionalism, attention to every detail regarding our industry, and dedication to our brand's success is something I have never experienced in our 8 years of existence.

We are not just another client or number. We are partners of success.

Not only did they deliver on their promises, but they went above and beyond to ensure that every aspect of our success is taken into account. Their prompt responses to my inquiries and their commitment to providing top-notch service exceeded all my expectations.

I wholeheartedly recommend them to any businesses - no matter the size nor the sector of activities I look forward to working with them again in the future.

Layla Rochefort of IVY testimonial icon
Layla Rochefort
Co-founder of IVY
Don’t let valuable customers slip away.

Book your free consultation now to start converting high-value customers effortlessly.
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Starting connecting directly with your next high-value customer in under 45 days.

By providing my details in this form, I agree to receive marketing messages (e.g. emails, phone calls, and/or text messages). Consent is not a condition of purchase. Msg & data rates may apply. You may opt-out at any time by replying "STOP" to any messages. You may also contact our customer support to request cessation of any communications.
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Why is this important?

Most agencies won't tell you this, but they're here to help themselves, not you.

They're not against you, they're just not putting you first.

While most agencies could spend the time getting the real reasons why customers stay or leave before they begin testing, most have told us it's "not as profitable for them".

It's simple math:

A) Spend time getting the right information to start and get you great results in less than 6 months, effectively cutting their timeline by at least 50%.

B) Start you (and 15 other brands) on a template and run A/B tests for years while you foot the $5,000-$15,000 bill every month.

Which is more profitable from day one?

You can let someone charge you every month to guess what to say or you can have the right information from the start.

Is profitability a priority for your brand in 2024?

If so, what would that 50%...or put another way, that newly available $30,000-$90,000 you didn't have to spend on an agency mean for you this year?
Uninformed and Unprepared
Red X in circle
Hoping your marketing is working
Red X in circle
Broad, generalized messaging
Red X in circle
Pay more for low-value customers
Red X in circle
Lower conversion rate
Red X in circle
More single purchases
Red X in circle
Lower customer lifetime value
Red X in circle
Lower profit per customer
Red X in circle
Focus on surviving
Black scribbled underline transparent background
Informed and Prepared
Green checkmark in circle
Confidence in your marketing
Green checkmark in circle
Targeted messaging
Green checkmark in circle
Pay less for high-value purchasers
Green checkmark in circle
Higher conversion rate
Green checkmark in circle
More repeat purchases
Green checkmark in circle
Higher customer lifetime value
Green checkmark in circle
Higher profit per customer
Green checkmark in circle
Focus on scaling
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The way you’ve helped me most is giving me clarity.

Guiding me through the back end process of finding clarity, as opposed to me just constantly experimenting - primarily with the way I've been approaching my audience.

Becoming more aware of what is working and what is not based on numbers, based on the actual data.

Hevi Serdar of Love Reignited, testimonial photo
Hevi Serdar
Founder of Love Reignited
Love Reignited transparent logo

Don't waste another precious dollar marketing to the wrong people.

Turn your acquisition channels from spray & pray to precision targeting by connecting directly to your new high-value customers in under 45 days.

By providing my details in this form, I agree to receive marketing messages (e.g. emails, phone calls, or text messages). Consent is not a condition of purchase. Msg & data rates may apply. You may opt-out at any time by replying "STOP" to any messages. You may also contact our customer support to request cessation of any communications.
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What do I actually get at the end of the process?

By the end of our process, you'll receive a detailed customer persona showcasing your highest-value customer segment(s), a completed value proposition canvas, and ready-to-use copy for your website and ads.

How long does the process take?

The process time can vary depending on how long it takes to analyze your data, get your customers to respond to interview requests, and update your marketing based on the outcomes, but typically the entire process is 3-4 sessions over a few weeks.

You'll receive updates every week about the interviews and the insights we find along the way to keep you in the loop.

Will you re-design our website?

We can help you write your homepage and up to 3 product description pages/landing pages (i.e. 1 product with 3 versions or 3 products with 1 version each).

If you need help with About pages, Blog pages, additional Product pages, etc., we can assist with these as an add-on service or refer you to one of our pre-vetted marketing partners who offer these services.

Will this process improve our website's conversion rate?

In some cases yes, in other cases no. Conversion improvements look different for each business with many variables at play: growth strategy, pricing, volume of traffic, quality of traffic, strength of the market, different CTAs, etc.

(A lot of the time a better message means filtering out site visitors that don’t meet your best customer profile so your team is spending energy and their limited time chasing down, trying to get repeat purchases from, or responding to issues bad fit customers)

Because we have no control over these many variables, our only promise of improvement is on one thing:  Finding the best possible way to clearly explain your products to those like your most high-value customers.

Will you audit our competitors’ pages to make sure we have a message that looks different than theirs?

Our goal is to figure out the best way to position you for your target audience — in some cases where the bulk of your target audience is using one specific competitor, we will help you craft messaging to speak to your key differences.

This project is mainly concerned with giving you the clearest and most compelling possible message based on the best fit customers of your market and product category, and it’s possible that other brands will be doing something similar to you in a race to win this market.

However, we would be leading you astray by suggesting you choose a less clear message purely to avoid sounding to another smaller competitor.

What does it cost?

Projects are quoted based on the scope of services.

Some smaller brands may only require the essentials on data analysis to get them in front of more of their best-fit customers while larger brand with large amounts of assets may require more in-depth analysis to fully understand their unique situation.

How do we get started?

If you’d like to move forward, grab a spot on our calendar. After we chat briefly, we’ll send over a lightweight contract and payment link. Once you sign and pay, we’ll send over additional Calendly link to book your introductory session to assess your current knowledge of your best customers and any additional information needed to ensure the project is successful.

Will you sign a non-compete?

We will not. We sign a NDA with all partners we onboard.

What pre-work will I need to do before working with you?

We’ll send you an intake questionnaire and ask you to provide an introductory video of your brand and product offerings along with sharing insights on your top selling products live in our initial workshop. Here's a link to the questionnaire just as a sample — please don't fill this out 😊

What if I already work with a marketing freelancer or agency?

This is very common to see with brands coming to us for insights. We work with a number of marketing partners already as our services compliments theirs. That being said:

If you're happy with the results your marketing partner is getting, there's likely no need for our services.

If, however, you feel there's room to grow and you want to give yourself a competitive edge, we can include your marketing partner in our conversations or provide them with copy of your completed documents to integrate into their existing marketing efforts.

If you are completely unhappy with the results your marketing freelancer or agency has provided you, we can provide an introduction to one or more of our pre-vetted network of marketing partners.

Do you have industry-specific experience?

Yes. We specifically work with lifestyle brands. Those focused on improving the lifestyle of their customers. This includes all lifestyle industries fashion, footwear, headwear, sporting goods, jewellery, skincare, hair care, home decor, and more.

Our team's combined experience with brands selling on Shopify is over 15 years with some team members having worked directly at Shopify with brands generating upward of $55,000,000 annually.

Who from our team should be involved?

We recommend bringing 4-5 people (maximum) from your team, ideally those who deeply understand your product(s), customers, and marketing strategy. We also ask that anyone who attends commits to being present for all of the calls.

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I've been consulting in the ecommerce space for almost 5 years now and can confidently say that choosing to partner up with Commerce Essentials turned out to be one of the best decisions I’ve made.

I trust them to deliver exceptionally detailed customer insights, understand next level buying motivations quickly, and provide actionable insights to help brands grow profitably.

Their work makes my job so much easier!

Hevi Serdar of Love Reignited, testimonial photo
Anya Ustinova
Expert E-commerce Consultant
Don’t let valuable customers slip away.

Book your free consultation now to start converting high-value customers effortlessly.
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Starting connecting directly with your next high-value customer in under 45 days.

By providing my details in this form, I agree to receive marketing messages (e.g. emails, phone calls, or text messages). Consent is not a condition of purchase. Msg & data rates may apply. You may opt-out at any time by replying "STOP" to any messages. You may also contact our customer support to request cessation of any communications.
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